Advantage to Use English Language in Daily Interactions
In our daily lives we are going to meet a wide range of people with various characteristics such as hot-tempered people, quiet people, people are impatient, selfish people, people who dare, people who fear dealing with something.
For the era of globalization the need for proficiency in english language is very important because in the era of globalization we will meet people from different countries using the english language. and the advantages when learning english is can make a money for ourselves when we understand about the english language and making money from learning english or understand about the english language for the example to teach english language to other person where don’t know about english language and the results from other person will pay us for our services to teach english language.
The hardest part of learning english when the first time or start in learning the English language but with the passage of time studying the english language will be fun and easy for those who had taken control of the english language and will be hard learning english language for people who rarely use english language in their daily lives.
When we have difficulties in learning the english language we can join or register in English courses because when we learn the english language course there is a lot of science that we can got from the teachers who have taught us in the english language and one more advantage when we joined the english language courses it will add more again our friends in the daily interactions.
My opinion as a writer in learning the english language can be learned from various sources such as register english language courses but if register in english courses is expensive we can learn from listening music with english language, write a letter to pen pal in the overseas where have ability in english language and practice speaking with a foreign citizen who has the ability to speak english in that way will add benefit to our ability to speak english and for the other benefit we can fluently with speaking, reading and writing in english language.
Advantage in learning english is can add more a friend with foreign nationals who may ultimately provide benefits for ourselves like our english language skills can be honed very well and add more to the vocabulary in english language for us as well when looking for a job would be easier if use english language.
When experiencing problems with the english language there is many way to solve a problems like read more on english lessons or consultation with the english teacher. because my opinion there is a lot of words in the English language to be learned and interact or relate well with the English teachers will increase our knowledge about the English language.
Before learning something like english language my opinion is the best way to pray because prayer will answer all the problems we are facing and do not forget to always ask for prayers from both parents to be given the ease in learning. my opinion prayers of parents is crucial in supporting our desire to learn something. for the last word wish my writing is useful for my self and people who read.
Picturesque of Fasting in The Holy Month of Ramadan
The atmosphere was very beautiful when in the holy month of fasting for ramadan and the atmosphere will feel when breaking the fast and eat before fasting or as usual call “sahur” can get together with family at home and most memorable moment when the holy month when breaking the fast is where the food for iftar served was delicious after iftar continued with tarawih prayer in the mosque.Usually i am doing after eat before fasting or as usual call “sahur” is followed by morning prayer or “shalat subuh” and slept until awakened at noon and when my self wake up in daytime as usual going to bath and prayers noon or “shalat dhuhur”. then while waiting for iftar my self usually play computer or watch television and that I like from television shows before breaking the fast are many Islamic programs on the television show that aired and it really helped me in adding to knowledge.
Atmosphere is very pleasant when approached time iftar in which many sellers of food and drink where wide variety of foods that are sold like banana compote or as usual call “kolak pisang”, ice cendol, grass jelly ice or as usual call “es cincau”, ice mix or as usual call “es campur”, pudding, fried soyabean or as usual call “tempe gorengan”, fried tofu or as usual call “tahu goreng”, lontong , lemper, risoles , fried bakwan or as usual call “bakwan goreng”, etc
When breaking the fast come is the most beautiful moment when can break the fast together with both parents and can feel the food made my father and mother. atmosphere will be complete when breaking the fast with a drink of coconut ice with syrup or cucumber suri ice or as usual call “es timun suri” with syrup.
Inside my heart is always happy when entered the holy month of ramadan because family relationships can be well maintained and in the holy month of ramadhan my self trying to become a better person than before. and often feel ashamed of myself when remember the mistakes that ever done in the past and at the present time I tries to improve for become better human beings.
The ramadan atmosphere every day is always good as they are in the holy month of ramadan for one full month we are trying to keep or not act forbidden by the religion as lying, adultery, vilify others, gambling, etc. and that we should do in life after the holy month of ramadan to keep it do not make mistakes.
Activity is best done in the holy month of Ramadan is reading al Qur’an, listening to lectures in the mosque, reading a book about the religion of Islam and help people who are trouble. in this holy month we try to avoid the conduct proscribed by religion.
In holy month of ramadan will feel beautiful when passed together with family because that makes our hearts glad when all our family members happy and that the reason why family is very important to our life. and in holy month of ramadan we have a lot to make good things to others person so that we are safe in this world and hereafter for the last word wish my writing is usefull for my self and the other person who read.
Honesty and Cleanliness of The Environment
In socializing and in various issues of honesty is a very important issue when i was a child until now I often to lie but when lie will feel a sense of guilt in the sense of hurt a person’s heart by lying and what ever happened the lie is a bad taste in my heart but when we honest in all sorts of things will feel a joy of life that can not be valued to the money.
In the trade if we do lie the result one hundred percent from that lie the effect people will not believe it back to us especially a problem with money even if we lie only twenty five rupiah of the smallest money from coin people will not believe to us so in trade relations with other people should be careful not to lie to people about money.
Now we empathize what if we lied about money to others person and people we lied will feel angry, annoyed, muttering to inside heart from disappointment, hatred inside the hearts from the people who lied to him so also if we are being lied to someone else the result will be angry, annoyed, muttering inside heart from disappointment , hatred inside hearts because the people who lie to us so we have to fight ourselves so as not to lie because often times there is evil in ourselves and the biggest enemy is inside our own self as we have to fight the feeling lazy, hate in others , a liar / cheater, immoral, etc.
As a writer i hope so long as life should strive to useful for our self, families as well as others and useful meaning for our self is able to meet basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter and can be useful for families with try to make happy family especially our parents for the last can be useful for the others people like to help people who are starving, help the poor people, help nursing homes, help to orphanage, etc.
For the last subject will talk about the cleanliness and we can apply to the smallest scope that is our own home with every day mop floors, clean the dust on the carpet, clean the spider nest, clean up dust on glass , tables, wall display, furbish bathroom, etc.
After doing a clean house and give home air freshener that make us feel comfortable in home and guest who visit to our home can feel comfortable because the atmosphere at home is clean and the feeling to take a rest and to learn to be comfortable.
Hygiene at home would be wonderful if we had vehicle like a motorcycle or car when it looks clean will be good in view and make every room in the car looks clean because when the car looks clean feels good to get into the car and to drive the car.
My opinion clean start from the smallest things like cleaning the house, cars and motorcycles that will be wonderful to see and feel if cleanliness is always maintained, sometimes my self feels lazy to cleaning but i trying to get myself to keep it cleaning every room in the house as well as clean the car and motorcycle.
Taufiq Rilhardin
I write this from my bedroom in meruya selatan, kecamatan kembangan, jakarta barat.
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